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Custone and bridge N Treksilä, Overbridge N Munkby

Bridge N Treksilä, Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment in Uusimaa (ELY Centre)

Overbridge N Munkby, Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment in Uusimaa (ELY Centre)

The repairing of the edge beams of these two bridges was realized by a shell molding technique. The old concrete surface of the edge beams was removed (appr. 40 mm) and was replaced by self-sealing concrete C35/45-3 fortified by the Custone copper alloy.
Thus, a new strong surface is achieved by the method developped by Custone which bind chlorides penetrating into concrete. The work was executed by Destia Ltd.

Oy Custone Ltd        Ilmattarentie 13, 00610 Helsinki        www.custone.fi